Early Career Researcher Award
The SCA Early Career Researcher Award recognizes a junior researcher who has recently made a significant contribution to the field of computer animation. Eligible candidates must have obtained their Ph.D. or equivalent within the past five years, with allowable extensions for maternity, illness, or parental leave. This award aims to honor individuals who have demonstrated outstanding early-career achievements and show strong potential for continued impact in the field. Self-nominations are welcome.
Please email us at sca2025awards@gmail.com by May 4th with the following materials:
- Research statement (0.5 - 1 page)
- CV, including a complete list of publications
Doctoral Dissertation Award
The SCA Doctoral Dissertation Award honors a recently graduated doctoral candidate who has successfully defended their Ph.D. dissertation in a field related to computer animation. This award recognizes outstanding early-career researchers whose work demonstrates strong potential for making impactful and innovative contributions to the field.
To be eligible, the dissertation must have been defended within the year preceding the given SCA year (January 1, 2024 - present). Nominations will be evaluated based on technical depth, the significance of the research contribution, and its potential impact on both theory and practice.
Please email us at sca2025awards@gmail.com by May 4th with the following materials:
- Letter of nomination by a faculty member
- CV for the nominee, including a complete list of publications
- Electronic version (PDF) of the Ph.D. dissertation